Description: Group Blast is an energetic cardio workout using The STEP to train fitness, agility, coordination, and strength.
Clubs ... Re-invent a past industry phenomenon. Group Blast will appeal to a large, diverse population that is seeking a very sport-inspired cardio workout. It’s not step aerobics – it’s an athletic workout that uses The STEP as a training tool. It will appeal to young women AND men and it’s a great evolution for the many committed steppers of today.
Presenter: Cathy Spencer-Browning, VP of Training & Programming
Video: 14 minutes 36 seconds

Group Blast OCT16
Loved working in the transverse plane!
Cardio Blast was over the top!
Balance training never hurt so good!
Traveled a mile across my STEP!
Group Blast JUL16
Out-of-breath, two-sweat-towel workout!
Love the acceleration theme!
Cardio Blast is about as fun as it gets!!
Crossover lunge = HELLO GLUTES!!!
Group Blast APR 16
Burning legs and rocking heart rate.
Got FUNKY with Uptown Funk!
Enter Sandman lays down the law on your legs.
Great workout that delivers.